
AssistRx Recap: What You Need to Know from #Asembia22


Last week Las Vegas was buzzing with specialty pharma trends, new hub model approaches and recent innovations.

In particular, AssistRx announced a new collaboration with GoodRx, as well as several new AssistRx solutions like CoAssist, Advanced Benefit Verification and Advanced Continuity of Care.

GoodRx Collaboration

On May 2, AssistRx announced our new effort with GoodRx, a healthcare platform known for tracking prescription drug prices and providing coupons for discounts on medications. The collaboration will bring broader awareness and access to therapy initiation through iAssist.

An AssistRx solution, iAssist helps improve access and get patients on therapy sooner. In fact, iAssist reduces time to therapy by 45% when compared to traditional fax methods. Patients who start on therapy through iAssist are 78 times less likely to abandon therapy.

The new collaboration between GoodRx and AssistRx aims to reduce treatment delays by supporting healthcare provider (HCP) awareness of the benefits of iAssist and how the platform streamlines the process for HCPs and improves access and speed to therapy for patients.

Learn more by reading the press release.

Technology-first patient access and fulfillment for retail and specialty-lite medications

Conference sessions also discussed alternative hub approaches for retail and specialty-lite products. Through conversations with pharma manufacturers and consultants, AssistRx identified four approaches for this underserved product segment, including alternate specialty-lite pharmacies, digital pharmacies, hub-lite services and digital patient services.

An AssistRx digital patient services solution for retail and specialty-lite products, CoAssist differentiates from other models by delivering technology-first patient access and fulfillment. CoAssist offers manufacturers a comprehensive technology-first patient access solution that is initiated from the EHR and drives fulfillment to the best affordability option for the patient’s prescribed therapy. Only CoAssist has the AssistRx proprietary e-Support Services, innovative pharmacy model, and scalable technology- and talent-enabled delivery to best support this product segment’s patients, HCPs and brands.

Read our Pharmaceutical Commerce and Drug Channels articles to learn more about today’s hub models for retail and specialty-lite products and how CoAssist simplifies a complex system to create better results from care.

Choosing the right e-Services for the brand

Attendees learned about many new technology-enabled patient support solutions at the conference. While these innovations are impressive, manufacturers should tailor the delivery of technology- and talent-enabled solutions for the product and its patient and HCP populations.

As shared by AssistRx Chief Commercial Officer Edward Hensley and AssistRx Patient Solutions Division President Jan Nielsen, innovative access and affordability solutions such as e-Benefit Verification (e-BV), e-Prior Authorization (e-PA), e-Copay and e-PAP can be sufficient for some therapies. However, other therapies may also require significant talent-enabled wraparound services. Additionally, not all e-BV and e-PA solutions are equal.

For example, the AssistRx Advanced Benefit Verification (ABV) and e-Medical Benefit Verification (e-MedBV) solutions pull more comprehensive patient coverage information than any other e-BV solution on the market – all in under 30 seconds and using only five patient identifiers. Our e-PA solution leverages direct payer/PBM connectivity to deliver real-time generation and submission of the appropriate PA, along with payer/PBM decisions in minutes. Lastly, the AssistRx Advanced Continuity of Care solution returns comprehensive and critical patient information such as treatment plan, current medications, lab results and more to help HCPs make informed decisions.

Learn how to choose the right technology- and talent-enabled solutions tailored for the product by reading our LinkedIn article and Pharmaceutical Commerce article comments.

Missed us at #Asembia22? Connect with our team to learn the intelligent way to initiate and advance retail, specialty-lite and specialty therapies.